She is IMPORTED from Ukraine. She is sure a sweet beautiful girl. She has a beautiful white coat, blocky head and body. She is one of our biggest girls. She loves to meet strangers and loves to give hugs. She absolutely loves attention.She is extremely smart and loves new toys and will play fetch all day. She comes from one of the best breeder in Ukraine with great International and national Championship lineage that is strong and been proven. She has OFA EXCELLENT/GOOD geneticTestings. She produces ICT CLEAR PUPS. Her genetic testings are great. We are so bless that we adopted one of NAVILIS pups. Great addition to our family.
- CHIC #
- AKC: SS17952102
- DOB: 05/07/2019
- Weight: 68 lbs
- Hips: GOOD – OFA - GR - 2149152G
- ELBOWS: NORMAL - OFA - GR - 2149152
- ICH Ichthyosis: OFA - GR-ICH1741/18F-PI-CAR
- Heart: NORMAL- OFA -GR-BCA257/17F/C-VPI
- Eyes: NORMAL/Clear -OFA-GR-EYE31318/49F-VPI
- PRA1: CLEAR-NORMAL – OFA -GR-GR1-1651/18F-PI Progressive Retinal Atrophy
- PRA2: CLEAR-NORMAL -OFA -GR-GR2-1484/18F-PI Progressive Retinal Atrophy
- PRCD: CLEAR-NORMAL – OFA -GR-PRA1671/18F-PI Progressive Rod Cone Degeneration
- MD: CLEAR-NORMAL – OFA -GR-MD437/18F-PI Muscular Dystrophy Gene
- DM: CLEAR-NORMAL – OFA -GR-DM1387/18F-PI Degenerative Myelopathy
- NCL : CLEAR-NORMAL – OFA -GR-CL5-2655/18F-PI Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
- COI Coefficient of Inbreeding: 10 generation-
- COI Coefficient of Inbreeding: 12 generation-