There is no better feeling than adding a new furry member to your family. Adding a puppy to your family is a big responsibility, especially if you’re a first-time parent. As a family, it’s common to face a few challenges as you adjust to your new lifestyle. To help make your transition smooth and keep your new furry friend happy and healthy, here are a few tips you can follow.
Carefully Introduce Your Children with Your Puppy
Before bringing your puppy home, make sure you go over safety tips with your children. Because puppies are energetic and playful, your children might not know how to interact with them. You can review what toys your children can use to play with them and what treats they can feed them. It will also be helpful to demonstrate how your children can hold your new puppy, so they don’t eagerly go to pick them up and frighten your dog.
Puppy Proof Your Home
If you have any valuable items that you don’t want to get ruined, now’s the time to put them away. Although your puppy isn’t prone to being destructive, they are clumsy and curious when they are in a new and unfamiliar place. Make sure that your home is a safe space for your pet and check for any potential dangers. You’ll want to make sure that there isn’t anything harmful that your dog can chew on, such as electrical cords or toxic houseplants.
Free Your Schedule
When you’re taking a look at your calendar, you may have to cancel or rearrange some of your days and dedicate time to spend with your pup instead. The first couple of months of owning your dog is a crucial time for bonding and training. Your dog will need you there to help get acclimated as much as possible. Especially when teaching your dog to potty train, you’ll need to be as attentive as possible.
Create a Routine for Your Pet
Your dog loves a routine, plus it makes training a lot easier. Because change can be unsettling for your pet, come up with a routine, and Your dog loves a routine, plus it makes training a lot easier. Because change can be unsettling for your pet, come up with a routine, and start following it immediately. There is always room to switch things around, but the more regular the routine, the faster your dog will settle in.
Are you thinking about adding a new member to your family? MN English Golden is currently taking deposits on available pups. Give us a call at 507-351-8510 for more information!